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    從藝數十年,堅持深入生活,自駕越野車多次進入川西高原、雲貴高原、青藏高原及新疆和內蒙等地寫生,行程數萬公裏,收集到大量創作素材,創作出很多有生活的好作品。被恩師馮法祀教授稱爲“吃苦耐勞藝先鋒,難得的人才、勤奮的好學生”並收爲入室弟子。其作品應邀先後在新加坡、美國、德國、比利時、意大利、英國等國家和地區舉辦個人畫展和聯合畫展,受到觀衆好評。部分作品被一些國家美術館和國際友人收藏。曾受邀爲北京人民大會堂,中央國家機關等部委重要廳堂繪制巨幅作品懸挂收藏。代表作品有:中國畫《漓江煙雲》《輕舟已過萬重山》(北京人民大會堂藏品)《康巴春早》等;油畫《九寨天堂》(北京人民大會堂藏品)《瀑雨過後》《陽光下的高原》 《取水姑娘》 《山裏人》 《春到草原》等。(圖片點擊放大還原)

     Chen Yuanhua, born in 1952, is from Yilong County, Sichuan Province. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a first-class national artist and an expert on special allowances under the State Council. In his early years, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and was taught by Professors Feng Fasi, Dai Ze and Jin Shangyi. From 1992 to 1997, he was the executive vice-chairman and secretary-general of Xu Beihong International Art Research Association. From 1998 to 2002, he was the director of Bashu Creation Center of China Artists Association. From 2003 to 2012, he was the president of Xu Beihong Painting Academy of China of the Overseas Chinese Federation of the Ministry of Culture. He has been president of Xu Beihong Painting Academy since 2013.

    From decades of art, he insisted on living in depth. He drove off-road vehicles into the western Sichuan plateau, Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, Qinghai-Tibet plateau, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia for many times to sketch. He traveled tens of thousands of kilometers, collected a large number of creative materials and created many good works with life. Professor Feng Fasi, the teacher, was called "a pioneer of hard work, a rare talent and a good student of diligence" and was admitted as a disciple. His works have been invited to hold individual and joint exhibitions in Singapore, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the United Kingdom and other countries and regions, and have been well received by the audience. Some of the works have been collected by some national galleries and international friends. He has been invited to draw huge works for hanging collection for the Beijing Great Hall of the People, the important halls of the central state organs and other ministries. His representative works include: Chinese painting "Lijiang Smoke Cloud", "Light Boat has passed Wanzhong Mountain" (collection of Beijing Great Hall of the People), "Kangba Spring Morning", "Oil painting"Jiuzhai Paradise"(collection of Beijing Great Hall of the People),"After the Waterfall","Plateau under the Sun","Water Girl","Mountain People"and"Spring to Grassland".


            油画:<<婆孙俩>>180×160 1988年
            油画:<<金沙江>>100×80 2015年
            油画:<<草原姑娘>>160×220 1998年
            油画:<<岷江>>180×160 1996年
            国画:<<山水>>140×180 2006年
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  國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn【翻版必究】
