欢迎访问中國徐悲鸿画院油画院官方网站!Welcome to the official website of China Xu Beihong Academy of Oil painting!
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    內設機構:秘書處、人事部、 财務部、外聯部、傳媒中心、藝術培訓中心、國際文化交流中心、學術委員會。
    In order to promote the Chinese national culture, with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Xu Mercy Institute, and approved by the competent government departments, the "China Xu Mercy Institute Oil Institute Co., Ltd." was established in accordance with the law, and the credit code of the unified society: 76360446 legislator unit. Approved scope of experience: new acquisition and development, art education, trade fair, exhibition of goods, international announcement, film and television development. The purpose of the academy is to promote the national culture of the people's Republic of China, to host Chinese artists all over the world, and to make a new contribution to the modernization of China's economy and culture.
    Internal institutions: secret Office, Ministry of personnel, Ministry of Finance, Foreign Affairs Department, Media Center, Art training Center, International Cultural Exchange Center, academic Committee.

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版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院油畫院 郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照

  國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn【翻版必究】
